Favouring building over writing
I’m gutted I missed posting an article yesterday. My streak is over just as I was getting going.
I’ll make allowances, however as I’ve been using my writing time towards creating a custom blog section for my website.
I love Medium for its fabulous editing experience, design, and network, but I don’t feel it’s great for creating a personal brand.
I’m looking to have a place online that allows people to find out enough about me, my background and my writing in a bid to maximise serendipity.
I’ll continue to publish on Medium but I’ll cross-post it into kulor.com for more ownership.
As a side note, I’ve been crafting my own site just the way I want it with the assumption that others may want something similar. In essence, I wanted a richer About.me/Carrd site. Therefore, I’ve built a platform (hiya.io) to support future users, I just so happen to be the first. Here’s an early glimpse of how it looks behind the scenes:
It turns out I accidentally default to productizing the projects I work on which seems to bring me the most joy, even if few use them.
I feel like disclosing that this isn’t intended to serve as any kind of announcement, merely what I’m working on when not writing, parenting, exercising or doing my day job.